- Improving access to clean and safe water
- Installation and expansion of piped water connections
- Implementation of metering, leakage detection systems, etc. in the water sector
- Water quality monitoring and management
- Other areas focusing on access to clean & safe water

- Construction of toilets in rural areas
- Construction of toilets in urban areas
- Construction of community toilet complexes (rural/ urban areas)
- Services related to safe disposal of excreta
- Awareness generation related to sanitation practices
- Capacity building on sanitation practices
- Reuse of treated wastewater
- Other areas focusing on sanitation

Key focus areas covered under the theme:
- Efforts undertaken at an individual level
- Efforts undertaken at an industry level
- Efforts undertaken at the community level
- Other areas focusing on wastewater treatment & safe reuse
1. Water Users

- Water conservation within your industry
- Water conservation beyond your industry
- Establish potential targets to reduce water consumption
- Installation of flow meters at main pipelines
- Installation of water efficient fixtures, dual flushing systems, etc.
- Installation of ETP and/or STP
- Installation of Reverse Osmosis for wastewater treatment
- Awareness generation of employees for improving water use efficiency
- Other areas focusing on improving WUE in industrial sector
A. Water Users in Industrial Sector
Key focus areas under the theme:- Roof-top rainwater harvesting
- Water efficient fixtures, dual flushing systems, etc.
- Groundwater recharge through artificial structures
- Awareness generation activities
- Cleaning of local water bodies
- Liquid sewage collection, transmission, treatment, recycle and reuse
- Other areas focusing on improving WUE in the domestic sector
B. Water Users in Domestic Sector
Key focus areas under the theme:- Reduction in irrigation water use
- Improving physical/economic water productivity
- Micro irrigation systems
- Flow measurement mechanism for fields
- Awareness generation activities
- Other areas focusing on improving WUE in the agricultural sector
C. Water Users in Agricultural Sector
Key focus areas under the theme:
1. Enhancing Water Management through Community Participation
- Set up regional management committee and support groups
- Enhance community participation through the empowerment of local committees
- Human resource development through training and capacity building programs
- Adoption of water source recharging strategies
- Finance water resources ‘development’ and ‘management’ activities
- Other areas focusing on enhancing community participation
2. Enhancing Water Management Capabilities
- Empower local committees through capacity building and awareness programs
- Enhance women leadership at all institutional levels
- Human resource development through training
- Awareness programs on water resources ‘development’ and ‘management’ activities
- Set up and train local support centre to disseminate knowledge
- Other areas focusing on enhancing management capabilities

- Protect or restore the extent/ area of community water structures
- Improve ecosystem water-stress management
- Improve ecosystem water quality
- Improve ecosystem water quantity
- Add to ecosystem monitoring and database generation
- Other areas focusing on protection & restoration of community water structures

- Prevent future water-oriented conflicts through stakeholder capacity building programs
- Develop Decision-Support System to regulate water resource management
- Design guidelines and standards to regulate water use and prevent water contamination
- Other areas focusing on water cooperation
innovative technology

- Access to clean & safe water
- Water treatment
- Wastewater treatment
- Efficient use of water in Agriculture
- Efficient use of water in Industry
- Efficient use of water in Domestic Sector
- Other areas focusing on innovation in water